Guide of Computer Science to mainstreaming gender in university teaching


Computer Science_guides to mainstreaming gender in university teaching
Parte di Guies per a una docència universitària amb perspectiva de gènere series:

Socio-economic barriers, the absence of female role models and the presence of stereotyped social representations make difficult to increase the presence of women in technology and engineering teaching.

The Guide of Computer Science to mainstreaming gender in university teaching offers proposals, examples of good practices, teaching resources and consultation tools that will allow to demasculinize this field and make visible female models to enhance women's access to degree studies in this field of knowledge.

Author: Paloma Moreda Pozo (Universitat d’Alacant)
Publisher and year of publication: Universitat d'Alacant & Xarxa Vives d’Universitats, 2020
ISBN: 978-84-09-23200-8

This guide is also available in Catalan, Spanish and Galician.
